Kehitämme liiketoimintaamme - katsaus vuoteen 2025
The past year 2024 was spent by a large part of the Finnish (and European) technology industry waiting for the growth that will come tomorrow, burning ice. The wait seems to continue for those who do.
During 2024, we at DCS have both refined our operating model and identified new growth opportunities based on our expertise and cooperation networks. In this blog series for the intervening days, we will shed light on some of our upcoming openings. Expect at least:
price-optimised fan series
Remote condition monitoring
based on™ true intelligence, industrial electric heating solutions
MVR solutions
Below is our assistant's preliminary view for 2025.
2025 "Unwrapped"
In 2025, the Finnish and European industrial investment markets will face many challenges and opportunities.
Situation in Finland
In Finland, the industrial investment market has been challenging, but expectations are positive. The technology industry has suffered from the weak economic cycle, but investment is expected to pick up due to lower interest rates. Finnish companies are developing cutting-edge technology and striving to retain skilled personnel, which indicates faith in a better future.
Situation in Europe
In Europe, the industrial investment market has also been struggling, but recovery is expected. Economic growth in Europe is forecast to remain stable, but rather slow. The development of EU industrial and state aid policy plays a key role, and various support measures are aimed at improving the attractiveness of investments.
Geopolitical implications
Geopolitics has a significant impact on industrial investment. International trade barriers and industrial policy shape the location of investments. Competition and trade wars between large countries, such as the United States and China, can slow global economic growth. It is important for Europe and Finland to adapt to these changes and find ways to support economic recovery and development.
Investment is expected to recover in 2025 as interest rates remain low and economic growth remains stable. The growth of the technology industry and the green transition offer new business opportunities. However, it is important that governments identify drivers of growth and implement policy measures that improve the attractiveness of investment.